We are pleased to inform you that on 29th October 2008 Dun & Bradstreet, world leader in the Business Information sector, has given the Rating 1, index of the Highest Economic and Financial Reliability, to Vetreria Etrusca, a rating attributed to companies according to the evaluation of their credit risk. The Rating 1, Highest Economic and Financial Reliability, given to only 9,98% of Italian companies in this sector and to 4,26% of the Tuscan ones, monitored by D&B, bears witness to the excellence of Vetreria Etrusca. The D&B rating, expressed by a 100 to 1 decreasing score system is a synthetic reliability (or degree of risk) indicator attributed to every company present in the data base and indicates the level of bankruptcy risk of a company in the following 12 months. The important D&B Rating 1 recognition was assigned to Vetreria Etrusca after an accurate analysis of the situation of the company, taking into account parameters including business age, industrial sector, company management, number of employees, trend of turnover, debts and financial assets, payment record. The Maximum Reliability Rating bears witness to the progressive development of sale proceeds, the growing operative profitability and the continuous improvement of the financial standing achieved by Vetreria Etrusca in the last few years.