Sustainable since 1920
Vetreria Etrusca has been confirmed by TÜV certifications for quality in production processes, respect for the environment and safety in the workplace, also obtaining the ISO50001 energy certification, the result of continuous improvement in the energy performance of our production plant.
In order to obtain these awards, Vetreria Etrusca has for many years used an Integrated Management System QASE, in the awareness that Quality, Environment, Safety and Energy Performance are fundamental strategic choices for an increasingly transparent responsible future.

Vetreria Etrusca is committed to increasing our use of electricity from renewable sources.
Our company recently made an important eco-sustainable investment with the installation of a photovoltaic system producing 3,000,000 kWh per year on an area of over 12,000 square meters.
The installation of the new photovoltaic system is a strategic environmental choice, which reduces CO2 emissions by over 750 tons per year.
It also allows us to increase the percentage of electricity we use from renewable sources, now 43%, compared to 38% the previous year.

Vetreria Etrusca is committed to increasing its use of locally sourced raw materials in the production process, with our aim of continuous and significant improvements in sustainability.
To date, over 80% of our raw materials come from Italian suppliers.
Glass cullet accounts for more than 50% of the entire consumption of raw materials and is fully sourced within Italy, in greater detail 30% of our cullet comes from suppliers close to our production site in Altare.
In the last four years, our use of Italian sand has increased by more than 30%, with the aim of continually reducing Vetreria Etrusca's Carbon Footprint.

Vetreria Etrusca strives to eliminate gender inequalities and for active participation of women in the labour market.
With the development of the company, the number of employees has grown steadily, in particular the proportion of women has increased significantly: in the last 5 years, Vetreria Etrusca has seen a growth in female employment of +27%.

Vetreria Etrusca recognises the environment is an essential asset to be protected and preserved. It has developed its factory and products with the most advanced technologies to protect the environment and the surrounding area.
Vetreria Etrusca constantly invests in sustainable technological innovation, and has been dedicating at least 15% of its annual investment to the environment every year since 2019.

Recognising the value in human resources, honesty and respect towards customers and suppliers, transparency, innovation, social and environmental responsibility are the key values that identify Vetreria Etrusca.
Our Code of Ethics has been developed, refined and shared over more than 100 years of our activities, and is one of the fundamental resources of our company.

We are pay close attention to what we do, so that we can breathe better and work safely.
Three prestigious TÜV certifications were confirmed again for 2021, demonstrating Vetreria Etrusca's attention to quality in its production process, respect for environmental sustainability and safety in the workplace.
To achieve this recognition, Vetreria Etrusca operates a QASH Integral Management System, employing significant resources, in full awareness that Quality, Environment and Safety are fundamental strategic building blocks in an increasingly transparent and responsible future.

Vetreria Etrusca recognises the value of its human resources, a wealth of skills and experience which provide a strategic resource for the company.
With the assistance of ISFOR, Vetreria Etrusca has launched a continuous training course to create job opportunities for Graduates, the fundamental and irreplaceable blocks for building a successful future.

With our aims of constantly improving our energy efficiency and reducing the environmental impact of its production plant,
Vetreria Etrusca is committed to continuous investment in sustainable technologies.
Our latest innovation, the DeNoX system, is among the first to be installed in Italy and has made it possible for us to reach an already challenging goal: reducing our NOX emissions to 40% less than that required by European legislation.

Vetreria Etrusca recognizes the value of trees in reducing emissions and fighting climate change.
To compensate for the increase in CO2, it is also necessary to increase our absorption capacity.
This is why Vetreria Etrusca takes care of a forest of 38,000 trees, which embraces the production plant in Altare and allows the absorption of 15% of the CO2 we produce.

Vetreria Etrusca is constantly committed to increasing the use of scrap glass in its production. This makes it possible to contain the consumption of raw materials, significantly reducing the energy used in the melting process and CO2 emissions.
To produce 1 kg of molten glass, 1.1 kg of raw materials are normally needed.
Today Vetreria Etrusca is able to produce 1 kg of glass using only 0.275 kg of raw materials.

Even more eco-friendly

All plant emitters are controlled and periodically monitored.
The main emitter from the melting furnace is fitted with a lime injection electrostatic abatement system.
The dust arising after abatement is reused internally as raw material for the production of other glass.
In accordance with European Community Directive 2009/29/ETS, Vetreria Etrusca is gradually reducing tonnes of CO2 emissions.
With its new plants, Vetreria Etrusca has decreased emission of NOx by 40% .
The new furnace known as Centauro was built in 2016 in Altare. It complements the existing furnace and has been designed with a new technology that can reduce emissions of combustion-derived.
The new Centauro system, which consists of two metal exchangers and a convective heat exchanger, has two features:
- it allows a greater preheating of combustion air entering the furnace which reduces the consumption of (GAS) methane,
- it prevents the hot fumes from leaving the kiln and therefore it allows the optimisation of the emission treatment system in order to keep the emissions within the limits provided by the emission legislation.
Vetreria Etrusca has been confirmed by TÜV certifications for quality in production processes, respect for the environment and safety in the workplace, also obtaining the ISO50001 energy certification, the result of continuous improvement in the energy performance of our production plant.
In order to obtain these awards, Vetreria Etrusca has for many years used an Integrated Management System QASE, in the awareness that Quality, Environment, Safety and Energy Performance are fundamental strategic choices for an increasingly transparent responsible future.
UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 |
UNI ISO 45001:2018 |
UNI CEI EN ISO 50001:2018 |

The cullet produced internally in processing operations and from external waste collection is fully recycled in the batch formulation, up to the point that recycled scrap constitutes 75% of each bottle produced.
All plants have a closed loop design so that discharges serve these systems by absorbing flushings and surpluses.
In parallel, supplies serve to replenish these losses and evaporations but also those for civilian and testing uses.
The refurbished Altare plant is perfectly integrated with the surrounding environment, and everything is kept under control by continuous monitoring plans.
Vetreria Etrusca is a member of Consorzio Recupero Vetro (CO.RE.VE.) which was established on 23 October 2007 by the main glass-making groups.
This consortium, which operates in the CO.NA.I. system (National Packaging Consortium) system, is a not-for-profit consortium with the goals of recycling and recovery of glass packaging waste generated in Italy.

The construction of an Ecological Oasis enables the implementation of internal differentiated waste collection.
Waste management is organised in such a way as to obtain greater reuse of materials, greater waste recycling and fewer landfill deposits, thanks to improved differentiation and the use of less polluting and less dangerous substances.

The production process for mechanical hollow glass is very energy-consuming primarily due to the high temperatures required for the melting process and for the considerable amount of compressed air linked to the container forming process.
The supply of natural gas is provided through a gas pipeline, while electricity is supplied by means of a 15,000 volt line.
The significant investments in new technologies have put the emphasis on machines and plants with less energy consumption than previous systems.
The use of cullet makes it possible to lower the melting temperature, which means less energy, fewer emissions and less raw materials.
With its factory and products, Vetreria Etrusca lives the environment as an essential good to be protected and preserved. Its processing plant is equipped with the most advanced technologies in full respect of the environment and the surrounding territory.
In 2015/2016, Vetreria Etrusca made an important technological investment for the construction of a second furnace, 10% of which was invested exclusively for the environment.
All new plants have been designed with a view to energy efficiency and lower environmental impact.